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A A M I  | C R A S H  I N D E X  2 0 1 9

Over 1,000 Australian lives are lost on our roads every year due to motor incidents. Whilst this number has seen some improvement in recent years, road safety remains a huge problem.

AAMI, as Australia’s largest national insurance brand, has access to 340,000 car crashes a year, providing real-time information, down to location, time, cause, damage and crash type.

To drive the conversation around road safety, AAMI created a national campaign to educate Australia on how to stay safe on the road and what to look out for.


2020 Mumbrella Award for Data-Driven Marketing

R A D I O   

The data from the 2019 AAMI Crash Index revealed that school pick up is during most dangerous time on our roads. We released this 30" spot during 'back to school time' to remind parents to slow down in school zones.

00:00 / 00:30

G E O T A R G E T E D  S P O T I F Y

The data from the AAMI Crash Index informed us when and where the most accidents occur on Australian roads. To warn Aussies when they're approaching a crash hotspot, we created geo-targeted Spotify ads.

VIC: Plenty Rd, BundooraSpotify
00:00 / 00:15
VIC: Springvale Rd, SpringvaleSpotify
00:00 / 00:15
SA: North East Rd, Modbury_NationalSpotify
00:00 / 00:15
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