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Siobhan joffe

without store


National Gallery of Victoria



The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) approached 8 of the leading advertising agencies in Victoria, asking us to show the value of creativity as part of their 2022 Rigg Design Prize.


As advertisers, we’re no strangers to the power of creativity, it’s at the heart of what we do. But in Australian culture, we often conflate creativity with artistic expression, taking for granted its ability to shape our society compared to more visible subjects such as history and STEM.

In reality, creativity is our greatest human resource. It fuels our progress and is responsible for the smallest innovation to some of the greatest inventions.


To show Australians the incredible value of creativity, we created the 'without store', a surreal online store that stocks pieces of Australian creativity you can’t live without.


The 'without store' was exhibited at the National Gallery of Victoria as part of their Rigg Design Prize, featuring a vending machine of our 'products', a web store, a live 1800 phone number, street posters, social posts, a digital adshell and a 30" TVC.

Inspired by the infomercials that circulate on 24h shopping networks, the 'without store' was designed to feel almost dystopian, hyper-commercialising pivotal products made by Australian creativity.

Check it out in Vogue

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