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Siobhan joffe

Better with Age


Wild Secrets




When it comes to conversations around sex, older Australians aren’t welcome. The very idea of senior sex has become a punchline.


Wild Secrets, one of Australia's largest  online adult retailers was determined to break the stigma for older Australians and normalise pleasure for everyone.


We set out to introduce sex toys to over 65s on their terms, using the card thats in the back pocket of every senior in the country;  the first adult toy retailer with a senior citizens card discount.



Paper-based channels continue to be the most effective way to reach over 75s (IPA data, 2022). So to promote the provocative new discount, we used a traditional media still embraced by older Australians, the mail-order catalogue, to welcome seniors into a world they've been stigmatised from.

We then distributed the catalogue to over 50 retirement villages across the country, for seniors to read in the privacy of their homes.

The Better with Age catalogue was supported by DOOH, BVOD and long copy print adsreaching out in spaces where older Aussies felt most comfortable: in their homes, their neighbourhoods and community groups (such as veterans and sports clubs).

Wild Sectrets - Better With Age (Campaign).jpg
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