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C A D B U R Y  |  W O M E N  I N  S P O R T


1 in 2 girls drop out of sport from age 15. Because how can you be what you can’t see? Only 9% of all sports coverage in Australia focuses on women.



Cadbury, a brand that prides itself on being part of the fabric of the nation, asked us; how can we curb the dropout rate and support the next generation of women in sport?


Together we worked with Cadbury to create Get In The Game, a platform dedicated to shining a light on the incredible female athletes dominating in Australian sport- so that every girl in Australia can see what they might dream to be.

To kick off the campaign, we created the Get in The Game Content Series, where we invited grassroots girls from each of the sponsored codes to interview their sporting heroes, uncovering the barriers they overcame to get in the game.


The rest of the Get in The Game campaign launches in September, with exciting ‘storydoing’ activations centred around closing the gender visibility gap in Australian sport.


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